Practical information for your holidays in Corsica
A little Corsican glossary Corsican is difficult for tourists to understand. We can't teach you Corsican, but we can help you assimilate a few useful concepts.
Where are the museums in Corsica? Museums: for history and museum lovers who want to discover Corsica. We suggest you visit our page listing most of the museums in Corsica so you know where to go during your holiday.
Where are the markets in Corsica? Here's a brief summary of the different markets in Corsica.
Useful numbers The following information is very important when travelling to Corsica! Keep your emergency numbers close to you at all times.
The weather in Corsica Corsica: made up of plains and mountains, the weather in Corsica is very varied depending on where you are. So here's a quick summary.
The sea and mountains of Corsica Here are the basic safety rules for a safe holiday in Corsica. Corsica can offer some nasty surprises, so you need to know what to watch out for.
Accommodation in Corsica Here is a brief description of the different types of accommodation and rental available in Corsica.
Flying to Corsica: what are the...
The best restaurants in Corsica: what makes a...
Corsican expressions
Getting around Corsica
When should you travel to Corsica?
The sea and mountains of Corsica
The climate in Corsica
Customs formalities in Corsica
Accommodation in Corsica
Markets in Corsica
Museums in Corsica
Corsica's flora
Corsica's wildlife
Getting around Corsica by train
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