Visiting Sartène
Located just outside South from Propriano and further inland. This village of Corsica is an important part of Corsican tradition. Prosper Mérimée travelled there in 1839 as "Inspector of Historic Monuments" and described the town as Corsica as "The most Corsica cities Corsica ".
Sartène Its architecture retains a massive, imposing appearance. The history of Sartène is very old, dating back to the Middle Ages. Created by the Genoese, it is the only city built by them that is not by the sea.
Despite this, Sartène is a fortified town, and has a strategic position from which to defend itself. More specifically, in the old town on the place de la Libérationthe city's main square. If you go under the town hall, you will arrive in the district Manigheddathe oldest district of Sartène.
The history of Sartène
Despite its appearance as an old town, Sartène is not all that old. In 1550, the Genoese built it on a rocky promontory that was difficult to access, to guarantee the safety of the inhabitants.
It was the Turk Dragut who, following his assaults, "encouraged" the Genoese to build a fortified town where all the inhabitants of the surrounding hamlets could gather. Unfortunately, the fortifications were not enough to stop the Turks. Hassan Venezianoking of Algiers, who in 1583 captured the town and took 400 Sartenais into slavery.
Travelling by plane
If you would like to visit this small town in the south of France Corsica by plane, it is preferable to come from the international airport ofAjaccio. Or that of Figari which is a little further on.
Coming by boat
To enjoy the road Corsica leading to Sartène with your own means of transport, you'll need to use the boat. To do this, you'll need to arrive fromAjaccio to be as close as possible.
Coming by train
Unfortunately, Sartène is not served by train, so you won't be able to get there by rail.
Where to sleep?
Hotel in Sartène
Here is a selection of the 3 best hotels in Sartène. The selection is based on reviews and ratings from tourists at the various hotels in Sartène.
Campsite Sartène
Discover the best campsites near Sartène soon.
Guest houses in Sartène
Flats in Sartène
Visiting Sartène: a must-see
The watchtower
Or the ramparts of the Citadel of Sartène is the symbol of this town, with its many narrow streets.
The old Petraghju district
The houses overlap, linked by arcades and separated by narrow streets, the buildings seem immense, and here the stonework is different between the first and second floors.
In the centre of Sartène is the Place de la LibérationFormerly known as Place Porta, this square is a symbol of conviviality and a meeting place for residents to discuss political issues.
The war memorial stands in this lively square, which is dominated by the Town Hall, the former governor's palace during the Genoese occupation, and Sainte-Marie, a church typical of the region. Corsica.
Ste Marie church (late 17th/early 18th century) is the heart of the famous Catenacciu.
The Sartène carnival
For just six years, under the impetus and initiative of "Sartè n'allegria", the carnival of Sartène has become a veritable rendezvous for an entire region. You'll see the traditional floats built from scratch by the local associations. Sartène or private individuals who rival each other in work and originality every year (the most beautiful float competition is compulsory).
The Catenaccio
At the beginning of April, the Good Friday procession is the most impressive of all the solemnities held in Corsica on that day! This event is directly inspired by the traditions of the Middle Ages and the Middle Ages. Sartène is the only town to have kept this tradition in its purest form!
At the head of the procession comes "the great penitent" He was barefoot, wearing a red dress and a balaclava because nobody knew his identity.
The " penitent "is to seek forgiveness for one's sins by undergoing this ordeal, to do the " penitent The "cross" is very popular and places are booked up years in advance! So he carries the cross, like Christ (you can weigh it in the church after the procession, 31.5 kg...), a chain on his right foot (14 kg...), "the Catenaccio" which gave its name to the procession.
The great "penitent" is supported by the "penitent". penitent white", who plays the role of Simon of Cyrene in the Passion. Then come the penitents black", also hooded, carrying the dead Christ.
Finally come the clergy, dressed in black, and the faithful, all accompanied by sacred chants that will send chills down your spine... The procession ends with the sermon delivered in the open air.
Strangely enough, it was not uncommon for it to rain, wind or hail that evening, even unexpectedly, perhaps to accentuate the pain of the penitent ! The local children's game is to follow a very specific route through the meandering streets of the town. Corsica to arrive before everyone else at the precise spot where the penitent will fall. It's up to you to find the right spots.
Syndicat d'Initiative de Sartène - Rue de Borgo 20110 Sartène
Tel: +33 (0) 4 95 77 15 40
Fax: +33 (0) 4 95 77 15 40
What to see around Sartène
The lion of Roccapina

Twenty minutes from Sartène in the direction of Porto-Vecchiobefore taking the "turning of the extreme south": a viewpoint over the cove of Roccapina and below, the surprising shape of a lion which seems to watch over the sea, turned towards the Genoese tower.
Find out more about the lion of Roccapina
Convent of Saint Damien
This large 19th-century Franciscan convent dominates the town and the Rizzanese valley. The convent Corsica is home to a community of Belgian monks who have restored its buildings.
The Fontanaccia dolmen
Described as one of the island's most beautiful megalithic monuments, the dolmen is a must-see for walkers seeking to discover the history of the island. CorsicaThis remarkably well-preserved book invites you to reflect on the history of mankind.
A spin'a cavallu
A Genoese bridge from the 13th centurye century on the Rizzanese called A spin'a cavallu (literally, "in the shape of a horse's back"). It is thought to be the work of the architect Maestro Maternato. Listed as a historic monument in 1992.
There are no longer any Belgian monks at the Monastere Sainte Claire Couvent Saint Damien et Côme but the community of Poor Clare Sisters.
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