Corsican chestnut flour
"A gratta e a manghjà, basta a cumincià" (To scratch and eat, just start)!
La chestnut and its flour having once played a key role in the economy Corsicathe flour is still done by hand. It is widely used in Corsica for its exemplary quality and taste. This is no doubt due to the geographical location of the CorsicaBetween the sea and the mountains, we find a diversity of climates and soils that make the richness of each production area.
It is for all these reasons that many Corsican dishes and pastries are based on chestnut flour. Here are a few local delicacies:
Named differently depending on the region, they are made from a mixture of Corsican chestnut flour, water and salt and cooked in an oiled frying pan. They are small fritters, 5 cm in diameter and a few millimetres thick.
Flan with chestnut flour
It is a kind of flan, slightly thicker, to which is added some chestnut flour.
Corsican chestnut flour cake
Like a yoghurt cake, but replace the traditional flour with chestnut flour.
Other Corsican cakes
It's a little brocciu tartlet.
It's like an Ambrucciata but without the pasta. Find the fiadone recipe here.

It's a kind of "Canistron" (cake with aniseed seeds) in the shape of a crown on which 1, 2 or 4 hard-boiled eggs are traditionally placed. These Cacavelli are mainly found for Easter celebrations.
Between the doughnut and the dry biscuit, fried in oil and sprinkled with sugar.
The Canistrelli
A must! Whether with aniseed, white wine, raisins, almonds or plain, canistrelli, these fragrant little biscuits, are a real treat!